
Posts Tagged ‘old earth creationism’

Old Earth Creation Science Author Hugh Ross

Some of you have a simple Basic Doctrine or Apologetics section.   In one of our stores, a manager renamed it, “For The Skeptic.”

In larger stores that section is subdivided into subsections one of which is often, “Bible and Science”

But did you know you could actually subdivide the section further?  The Creationist community is somewhat divided into “Old Earth” and “New Earth” factions.   An “Old Earth” creationist is someone who accepts the standard scientific age of the planet.  (Not the same as “theistic evolution,” however.)    A proponent of this view is Hugh Ross.  You can read more about him in this Wikipedia article  here.

Here’s a recent promotional video from Baker Books for Why The Universe Is The Way It Is. If you double click on the link, it will take you direct to YouTube, where you’ll see a number of other videos from Ross in the right-side margin.