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Multi-Faith Leaders Respond to Social Justice Issues

It’s not every day that I get to spread the word about a Canadian author who also lives in our hometown, but that’s the case today.

Author Karen Hamilton is the former General Secretary of the Canadian Council of Churches and is an award-winning author, particularly in the field of interfaith dialogue. That well equips her to write a book of this nature.

Her book, Faith as Protest: Answering the Call to Mend the World (Novalis, 2023) includes representatives from ten faith groups who highlight different social justice issues each is facing, and how they respond as individuals, as a group, and in solidarity with the broader religious community. Salvation Army, United, Roman Catholic and Anglican voices are heard along with Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim, Baha’i, Sikh  and Hindu spokespeople.

A short introduction and conclusion serve as reminders of the delicate balance it takes to bring such a diverse group of people together between the pages of a single book, especially in a world as polarized as ours is currently.

The 112-page paperback retails for $21.99 CDN. Stores and consumers may order from Novalis. Learn more about initiatives to bring hope and healing in our ever-changing world. Faith still has a role to play.

ISBN: 9782896888719

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